Step out in style this Summer…

I love this time of the year.

We all want to look forward to the summer and get out those lighter clothes and sandals after covering up for so long during the autumn and winter months.

summer ready feet with Mellow Skincare

We don’t think twice about showering , styling our hair, attending to our facial routine and dressing ourselves first thing in the morning, but usually our feet don’t get a second thought

Suddenly, the weather starts to change and some of us realise how much we have neglected our feet and panic!

The good news is…

..that even if your toes and feet have been neglected, you can soon have Summer ready feet and in tip top shape with regular care.

It’s a real treat to have a professional pedicure but you don’t have to go to a salon to get beautiful feet.

If you would you would like to learn how to do your own DIY pedicure, check out my blog post here: it’s an easy step by step guide!

Using a foot file regularly on your heels is a great tool for removing hard skin which has built up, because no foot soaks or creams are going to penetrate that hard skin unless you do this.

For severe problem feet, regular visits to a podiatrist or chiropodist will start the process because it’s probably built up over a long period of time. When most of the hard skin has been removed, you can then take over.


summer ready feet home pedicure mellow skincare

For severe problem feet, regular visits to a podiatrist or chiropodist will start the process because it’s probably built up over a long period of time. When most of the hard skin has been removed, you can then take over.

Once those feet are ready for the summer , let’s decide to look after them all year round by following these simple tips.

  • After your bath or shower, routinely apply moisturiser to your feet.
  • If your feet are particularly dry, why not try an intensive treatment overnight while you sleep? – apply a thick layer of foot moisturiser and wear cotton socks to protect your feet.
  • A pumice stone is a handy tool to keep your feet smooth if you use them in the bath or shower twice a week. NB: Don’t overdo this if your feet are sore and painful. Instead, have them checked by a podiatrist first.
  • Keep your toenails short, because long nails can be painful and cause further problems.
  • Try not to wear the same shoes every day. Alternating heels with flat shoes will help to prevent foot strain.
  • Don’t forget to go barefoot when you can. This is wonderful, feeling the air on your bare skin, and can help to strengthen your feet and ankles.
summer ready feet diy pedicure mellow skincare

If you are worried about foot odour, carry a fragrant spritzer in your bag for when your feet get hot and uncomfortable.

Make your own by adding a couple of your favourite essential oils to some witch hazel in a spritzer bottle.

A little fun fact…

An average person, with an average stride, living to the age of 80 will walk approximately 108,131 miles in their lifetime. Our feet take our weight, we use them constantly and always ask more of them, but how often do we stop and really take care of them?

Carole x