Now that the Christmas rush and January Sale are over, we like to take a look at the Mellow online shop and make any product changes that we feel would benefit our customers.
That’s why we really value feedback on our products so that the popular products stay and we can make room for new additions. We also love to hear from customers if there is anything you would like to see which we don’t currently stock.
What’s in store?
We are pleased to announce that we will definitely be including a wonderful moisturiser for mature skin, full of additional active ingredients. There will also be a selection of face masks including a fruity face mask and a mask for particularly sensitive skin – excellent for beauty therapists who want to offer a variety of natural products for their range but equally wonderful for those extra pampering sessions.
These are just a few additions, but there will be more so watch this space!
The next big event in many people’s calendars is Valentine’s Day so of course here at Mellow we are prepared for this busy time!
BUT we really don’t believe that you have to have a significant other to spoil and pamper yourself so let’s make it an excuse to pamper ourselves.
We were asked a couple of years ago to create some chocolate products for a therapist to add to her range for Valentine’s Day – not everyone’s idea of bliss but if you love chocolate, you’ll love this cleanser and moisturiser.
Don’t worry, it’s the black cocoa butter that makes these products chocolatey with the aroma of chocolate. It’s not suitable for oily skins but great to try and of course you won’t put on any weight!
If you want to try these products, please email us at
Finally, if you have any comments about Mellow products or suggestions for new additions, we would love to hear from you!
Drop us a line over on our Facebook page.
Until next time,
Carole x