by | Jul 14, 2014 | Post formats, skincare, Uncategorized
I used to absolutely loathe the smell of lavender… I’m ashamed to say that it reminded me of old ladies and I thought it was sickly and cheap. How wrong was I? I can’t even remember any of my lady residents in my nursing home using toiletries which smelled of...
by | Apr 22, 2014 | Detox, Eczema, Moisturisers, Natural Ingredients, Sensitive Skin
Eczema can really make your life miserable and it is a condition that affects many people. It can be hereditary, often associated with asthma and hay fever. If you suffer from eczema, does this resonate with you? A red rash Itchiness Scaling of the skin Blisters...
by | Apr 8, 2014 | Moisturisers, Natural Ingredients, Sensitive Skin, skincare
Psoriasis is a common, often inherited, skin disorder which occurs when the production rate of new cells is accelerated… The result is raised patches of pink, thick, new skin covered with flakes of dead skin. It can be made worse with stress, emotional problems,...
by | Mar 10, 2014 | Cleansers, Facials, Natural Ingredients, skincare, Toner
Why we love citrus fruits on our skin Mellow Skincare thought we’d take a closer look at why we’re such fans of citrus fruits as natural skincare ingredients. An age-old favourite The use of citrus fruits for skincare, medicinal and culinary purposes dates back to...