by | Jun 9, 2020 | Feet, Wellbeing
LIBERATE YOUR FEET! AN EASY AT HOME PEDICURE Last month during our enforced isolation, I showed you how easy it was to give yourself a facial. Beauty salons and chiropodists are still out of action so with Summer very much on its way, we can easily get your feet...
by | May 21, 2016 | Feet, Moisturisers
Step out in style this Summer… I love this time of the year. We all want to look forward to the summer and get out those lighter clothes and sandals after covering up for so long during the autumn and winter months. We don’t think twice about showering , styling...
by | Apr 13, 2015 | Feet, Natural Ingredients, Wellbeing
Is it really necessary to have a professional pedicure? Tiptoe, through the tulips! If a lifetime of neglect or maybe just the Winter has taken its toll on your feet it’s time to do something now! The good news is that it doesn’t take much fancy footwork to get...