
Ways to keep your feet in tip top condition…

Did you know that on average, a person living to the age of 80 will walk approximately 108,131 miles in their life time?

Taking our full body weight for most of the time with all the wear and tear on our feet, we don’t really give them the care and attention they deserve.

We take our feet for granted.

Sometimes you just have to stop and give your feet a quick rub particularly if you are in a job where you are on your feet all day.

I certainly used to feel like this when I worked as a nurse but there are many other occupations where they experience the same issues.

That’s why we love to have our feet massaged or to have reflexology treatments.

The whole body is reflected in our feet so I believe that if we look after our feet, we are effectively looking after the whole body.

For some people, however, their feet need more than massage or reflexology.

Cracked heels, dry skin on their feet, sweaty, hot feet, swollen feet or even fungus problems. These problems can cause real misery and people with these issues are often reluctant to expose their feet.


Let me introduce you to…foot baths!

Foot baths were popular before we had bath tubs and there was less hot water readily available. How blissful is it to get home at the end of the working day and soak our feet in wonderful hot water to ease the aches and pains?

If your feet are particularly painful you could try these solutions I have found helpful.

▪ Add two tablespoons of Epsom salts to a large bowl of water, warm enough to soothe your feet comfortably.
▪ Add some olive oil to moisturise your feet. Add a couple of drops of essential oil (lavender to relax or peppermint is my favourite!)
▪ Finally, relax in your favourite chair and soak those aching feet for ten minutes or so –bliss!


If you are on your feet all day and you suffer from swollen feet or ankles, try a handful of Epsom salts in a bowl of warm water to soak your feet.

Fill a second bowl with cold water.
Alternate hot and cold soaks for a couple of minutes each and then massage your feet and legs with some rich moisturising foot cream.


The most common problem with feet is a build up of hard skin and callouses which can zap your confidence if you want to wear sandals in the Summer.

Obviously if you have severe problems with your feet, you should have regular appointments with a podiatrist but for general care use a foot file regularly to remove hard skin followed by foot cream. Your feet will thank you for it and remain healthy.

When your feet and heels feel smoother, follow a plan to look after them all year round.

▪ If your feet are particularly dry, why not try an intensive treatment overnight while you sleep?
▪ Apply a thick layer of foot cream and wear cotton socks to protect your feet.
▪ A pumice stone is great for keeping your feet smooth following a bath or shower but not if the skin is broken.
▪ Keep your toenails short.
▪ Don’t wear the same shoes each day. Alternating heels with flat shoes will help to prevent foot strain.

And finally…

Go barefoot in the house. This can help to strengthen your feet and ankles as well as feel wonderful.



Looking to put an invigorating step back into your hot, tired and aching feet? Pop over to the Mellow Skincare Online Shop and check out our SOOTHE range!

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